杨百翰大学Ecclesiastical Endorsement面试经验汇总

    Ecclesiastical Endorsement

    1. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2010年1月13日

    申请材料中必须要Ecclesiastical Endorsement,没办法,对方是该校University Chaplain。杨百翰BYU貌似比较神秘,网上很少搜索到面经,估计其宗教背景还是比较茁壮的因素。



    套磁信略加修改:Right now I am involved into project ******, and so I searched some papers in the related area. Finally paper titled with ****** of Prof. *****, from BYU, inspired me a lot. Then I turned to more of his/her research interest on ******, and realized that it matchs greatly with my own. That is why BYU is my best choice.




    CH:Hello, are u xxx?

    Me:Year, you must be Mr. xxx, right?

    CH:Yes, how r u today?

    Me:I am fine, and I am really glade to hear your voice. (人教版阴影挥之不去)

    CH:OK,what is the time in your place?

    Me:深夜11:40:37 (说完之后这哥们儿就不想折磨我太狠了,他还挺不好意思的,说深夜打搅,感觉他准备早早放我回去睡觉 了)



    CH:Y u choose BYU, or what attracted you mostly from BYU?(居然问这个,可见这次电面不仅仅为了一个Ecclesiastical Endorsement)


    CH:goog, good`


    CH:Do u read the honor code?(就是那个学生守则一样的东西,说男生不准留长发,留胡子,裤衩必须遮过膝盖,宿舍不准异性进入,厕所不准异性使用)


    CH:how do u think about it?

    Me:I think the honor code is quite normal. it is a set of principal to guide our ways of manner, behavior, communication, and expression. In my daily life, I just following the same principles, so I don't think it is something unusual.

    CH:goog, good, very good, so u mean the honor code is something you have always being followed, and it is normal for you to follow these principles in the future?






    CH:I have no idea! u might contact the prof. from the department directly!


    CH:我认为我已经对你有了一定了解,good,现在我要在Ecclesiastical Endorsement 上签名,今天送给graduate admission,祝你好运!还有什么问题?





    2. 学生背景:不详;面试时间:2012年1月21日

    Ecclesiastical Endorsement。之前想在12月份完成面试的,结果圣诞节期间他家压根不收邮件。查来查去发现只能用google邮箱发送邮件给他们,这一拖就到现在了 。收到面试通知是正式面试之前的三天,订好当地时间8:15,北京时间11:15打过来。对方是学校的Chaplain.


    猜到应该会问为什么选择BYU和关于Honor Code的看法(必然嘛,这个电面就是为这个来的),顺带准备了个关于为什么选择美国。以下是从草稿纸上摘下来的(写的不太好),用于应急时使用。面试本来就是临场发挥居多,简单地想了下可能遇到的问题,也没多准备。

    Why USA?

    When I was young, I had a dream to study abroad, because I think modern scientists should have global eyes toward their researches in order to do a better job in ** contribution to our society. America has its reputation in scientific field since it has leading facilities and high-level technologies. Also, I am interested in learning American culture, so I decide to pursue my future degrees in USA.

    Why BYU?

    The first point is I am interested in Prof. Linford’s works. I have contacted him and he encouraged me to apply. The second point is that BYU provides a learning atmosphere consistent with the principles of the church. People there are living a chaste and virtuous life styles, I think they are more friendly and easy to get along with. The third point is about the financial support. Frankly speaking, I do not come from a very rich family; I need scholarship to support my study abroad.

    Honor code

    In my point of view, if we want to be qualified and welcomed graduate students, these sets of rules are quite normal but fundamental. They guide our manners, behaviors as well as the way of communication. In fact, I have set standards similar to these honor codes for me in my daily life. I think it will not be unusual and difficult for me to abide by the honor codes presented by your university.




    CH:Hello, this is Mr. xxx, the university chaplain.

    Me:Hello, I am xxx, nice to hear from you.

    CH:U have chosen BYU, and would you please say something about reasons? (正中下怀,不过我还是觉得对话过渡好快,本来以为要问天气啥的 )

    Me:Well, I have thought about this question many times (自己乐一下)and I have concluded three points.(然后基本按照面前的稿纸开始海说…)

    CH:Good, very good.(语气都跟之前面经里的一样,估计是同一个人)然后说了些他们学校关于Honor Code很看重的一些过渡的话。Have you read the Honor code?

    Me:Yes, I have read.(又正中下怀! )

    CH:Well, do u have any questions about this?

    Me:(其实这个问题有点出乎我意料,我觉得应该是问关于Honor Code自己的看法,没想到是问问题,但是,我想不能白准备啊,怎么滴也得绕到那个问题上去)In fact I do not have any questions about it but I want to say something on this honor code in my eye. (成功对接草稿上Honor Code部分,但是这里过渡我稍微卡了一下。开始陈述,着重强调Honor Code对于我来说十分平常但是很重要,同时表达让我遵守这些条款不是难事)

    CH:Good, very good. I assume you are academic qualified, and since this honor code is vital to me…(后面的不太记得了,大意就是说你能认同这些并能愿意做到的话就说明你在非学术背景方面已经合格了)好了,我要在你的Form E上签字然后封装好今天送给招办。你对于我还有神马问题?

    Me:Thank you very much; I do not have any more questions.(现在想想应该不用more的)

    CH:祝你最终能够被我校录取,学业有成。And, Good evening!(最后来了个这个,看来对方是调研过我这边的时间的)

    Me:Hehe, thank you, maybe I shall say good morning to you !


    Me:That’s all?

    CH:Yes, good bye!


    总共耗时4分24秒,然后回到书房写面经,发信给Chaplain表示感谢 。感觉轻松了不少,Chaplain 非常和蔼,大可不必过于紧张。



    Thu Jun 30 17:01:56 CST 2016